Countries participation limitations
:: IKCC can limit the number of participants per country for each competition category, without prior notice..Please register in the first days of the competition in order to ensure your participation. Exceeding the maximum number of users that can participate is not allowed.
Countries with limited registration per age category:
Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore
Registration and submitting the project to IKCC contests
:: descarcă Regulament in limba română
[Creating your IKCC account] and [Register to contest] are different things !
IKCC account is created a single time and it will give you free acces to register to all IKCC contests ! Participating to IKCC contests is completly free.
Please contact us at for any problem or question regarding creating an ikcc-account, registration to an active contest or contest rules.
All IKCC contests are FREE ! No fees/payment required to participate !
Step 1: Create your IKCC account
(only if not having one !)
:: in order to participate to IKCC coding contests you must create an account on or login to your existing IKCC account. From your account you will be able to register to all future IKCC contests!
:: you can create your account at any time, whether there are active contests or not at that time, pressing the [Create your IKCC account] button from Login form.
YOU CANNOT HAVE MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS ON IKCC ! Only 1 account for 1 user !! If you create multiple accounts for same person you will be banned from !!
:: if anytime after registration your email adress is not working, your ikcc account will be automatically deactivate ! Do not close/delete your email accounts after you register to ikcc!
:: If a large team of your school/club participate to our contest, you must create an account for each student! Each participant must have his own account and an individual and unique email adress.
:: IKCC contests are INDIVIDUAL, no TEAMS allowed.
:: at the time of creating an IKCC account, contestant must check and make sure all informations has been entered correctly. Enter your FULL NAME+SURNAME , CORRECT DATE OF BIRTH, SCHOOL NAME , GUIDE FULL NAME+SURNAME, CITY and COUNTRY! Unreal/incorrect accounts (wrong data,incomplete email or incomplete name+surname, etc...) will be suspended/deleted.
:: you will receive an activation link for your IKCC account on your email adress. Please use that link to ACTIVATE your account! If you don't activate your account you cannot login!
:: creating and loging to an IKCC account must be done with your parents approval and supervising. It is mandatory to have an adult guiding you, like your coding teacher or your parents, and to mention his name in [Guide field]. If it will be proven that you had no adult/guide approval to participate to our contests, all your prizes and results will be canceled and you will be banned from our contests in the future
:: creating an account on represent your guide adult (parents and teacher) approval and unlimited consent to use your name, age, city/country name, pictures , results and testimonials regarding our contests/registration and results history, in pages.
:: in case of winning you must send us your parents postal adress, your real photo and school certificate (or photo of school pass) in order to receive your prizes!
:: future registration to an ACTIVE contest (after starting date) is accepted only if it student has allready create an IKCC account !
:: IKCC reserves the right to select its users. IKCC can also deactivate / cancel / suspend any account and any participation to IKCC contests if wanted.
:: you cannot delete the account if you already registered and participated to any IKCC contest ! But you can deactivate your account anytime by sending an email to ! Creating the IKCC account is your approval to this rules !
Step 2: Register to the current open contest
(must be done at each contest registration):
:: Atention ! You cannot register for the SAME competition more than once ! If you register MORE than once for the same competition you will be banned from !!
:: acces to the IKCC account via VPN is prohibited and lead to the immediate banning of the user/IP.
:: Untill first day of contest, the contest is announced on the screen (Coming soon !), but the [REGISTER NOW] button is inactive. Starting with the first day of contest, the [REGISTER NOW] button will become active and you will be able to register to present active-contest.
:: Students could register to the active-contest directly by pressing [REGISTER NOW] from index file or entering his IKCC-account and pressing [SUBMIT your project to.....]
:: When you Register to an active contest, script will select your age category automatically, calculating from student's birthday and first day of registration.
If age category is not admitted to the present active contest, the registration will be canceled (for example: if the present contest has only 7-8 y.o. category, and your student has 13 y.o. , he will not be allowed to register...).
:: Atention ! All dates and time (starting contest, ending contest, results date, etc..) are Eastern European Time (GMT+2). A countdown counter will be shown on site index page.
Step-by-step registration to the current active contest:
1.Login to your IKCC account
2.Press [Submit your project to...] button.
3.Press [Register NOW] button to registrate to the contest
4.Confirm registration to the contest
Other rules and details:
Age categories:
:: the contest is opened for students/kids with ages inside the [age categories] of the contest: 7-8 , 9-10 , 11-12 , 13-14. For category 7-8 will be admitted all kids aged 7 and 8 y.o., at the first date of registration to the contest, etc...
:: on each contest it will be announce which age categories will be admitted
Contest categories:
:: contest categories could be ONLY one from:
-story/animation/comics (no games/quizz allowed)
-game (must include at least 1 full game in the scenario)
-open (story, animation, game, mixed, etc...)
*on the contest page it will be announce the contest categories accepted for that contest
Type of IKCC contests:
:: IKCC will organize online contests, but also we want to organize onsite and onscript contests as well in the near future !
:: what is the difference between online, onscript and onsite contests ?
-online contests/contests: projects can be done at home, at the club or at school directly on the website, and they will be submitted online as a link of the project from the contestant personal scratch account
-onscript contests/contests: contest will be organized online but live. At a designated time and date, all participants will receive the contest theme (subjects) and will have only 2 hours to complete and send the project.
-onsite contests/contests: contest will be organized in a contest Hall, in a location that will be announced.
-online challenges: QUICK Challenges are short themed projects, and will have only 1-30 days to complete! In first day, at the start of challenge, the subject (topic) will be listed on index page of The topics for challenges will be simple short topics to be resolved in Scratch (ex: short theme challenge, technical Scratch challenge, puzzles, quizzes, etc...). Projects can be done at home, at the club or at school directly on the website, and they will be submitted online as a link of the project from the contestant personal scratch account. You cannot use or submit old projects !
General registration rules:
:: competitors could submit only 1 project to each contest, at his age category ! Same student could not register twice (or many) at the same contest ! One contest=one project ! ::
:: Atention ! You cannot register for the SAME competition more than once ! If you register MORE than once for the same competition you will be banned from !!
:: same school can register several children in the same category (age+contest), respecting the above rules
:: registration is opened both schools or independent kids and coding clubs
:: if a project is disqualified, all subsequent projects will be redistributed according to the score obtained. If prizes allready sent, it could not be resend to the redistributed winners, but the Certificates/Diplomas will be changed and the contestant will be able to reprint them from ikcc-account.
Step 3: Create your project online or offline, respecting the contest TOPIC
(only original projects allowed):
:: projects must respect ALL the rules from [SCORING RULES] ! Please read them carefully!
:: projects must respect the contest challenge/subject/topic ! Please read carefully the challenge of the contest before starting the project. All projects that not respect the contest challenge/subject/topic will be disqualify! contest challenge/subject is listed on the contest page (index), and looks like this:
Step 4: When finished, SHARE the project from inside your code and submit the link to IKCC
(do not forget to SHARE your project when finished):
:: when your project is ready please enter the link to your project (from your personal account) in your ikcc-account, pressing the [Submit your project at...] button! It is not allowed for several participants to use the same account !
:: Organizer could ask for a ZOOM (video conference) session with the suspected of fraud contestant and ask questions from the script, in order to establish if the contestant is the author of the script. Failing on this video-session will eliminate the project from contest.
:: after the deadline date for submitting the projects, the contestant could not make any modification to the project. Please note that the last update time is mentioned if we acces adress . To avoid the risk of beeing disqualified, participants are NOT ALLOWED to browse the project with EDIT mode (SEE INSIDE) after the submission deadline date.
:: Atention ! All dates and time (starting contest, ending contest, results date, etc..) are Eastern European Time (GMT+2). A countdown counter will be shown on site index page.
:: Only NEW and ORIGINAL projects allowed! Do not use OLD or REMIXED projects in our competitions!
:: if any problem or question regarding submitting your project please contact us at !
Step-by-step sharing your Scratch project and obtaining the link to your project:
1.Create an account to and CONFIRM YOUR EMAIL ADRESS ! Create your project for IKCC (give your desired name to the project). Open your project and code..code..code...
Example of opening a project (name your project as you like !):
2.When you finished your project, from INSIDE the project press [SHARE] button from the top:
(Attention: if you have not confirmed your email adress , you will not have the SHARE button !)
3.After pressing [SHARE] button a confirmation screen will appear with message [Congratulations on sharing your project!]. Copy the link from the adress line at the top.. This link you must submit in IKCC account at your registered contest!
Example of link of a shared project:
Step-by-step submitting the Scratch project to registered contest:
1.You must register to the current contest and obtain the link for your project from site in order to submit projects... Check the Step-by-step Registration chapter and Step-by-step sharing your scratch project and obtaining the link to your project chapter described above...
2.Login to your IKCC account
2.Press [Submit your project to...] button.
3.Press [Submit project] button to the registered category
4.Enter the link to your project from your account on Do not forget to SHARE the project before submitting the project to IKCC, in order to allow the judges to see your project/code. If judges will be unable to open and check your project/code, your project will be disqualified. After entering the link to your shared project from site, press [Confirm submition] button.
Judging / scoring the projects
:: each entry will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The decisions of the judging panel are final.
:: the detailed scoring list are confidential and cannot be requested by the participants
:: scoring rules are listed for each contest. Check the [Scoring rules] for details.
:: the updated judging criteria will be sent to the judges before each contest.
Other rules
:: during contest the organizer may adapt some rules when he finds it necessary
:: when an entry is submitted, permission is granted to the organizers of the contest to make unrestricted use of the entry in the future for publicity, promotion or educational purpose. Organizers could use the participants names and registration data (including photo) and their projects submitted for the contest, on the site pages to promote the contests, the winners, or other associated purposes.
Prizes and Certificates
Prizes for international competitions:
:: Unfortunatelly , because of the high expedition prices , we cannot offer to international competitions winners trophy, medal or prizes by postal expedition anymore!
:: we will offer only International Certificates and Diplomas for participants.
:: to qualify for prizes the contest category must have at least 10 competitors registered. For categories with less than 10 competitors registered, IKCC will issue diplomas and certificates.
:: when the contest is finished, all competitors could download the participation certificate from the IKCC account>>My competition's results.
:: when the contest is finished, the winners (1/2/3 places) could download the diploma from the IKCC account>>My competition's results.
:: if any problem encountered during downloading the Certificates/diplomas, please contact us by email
Note: At challenges during the year, only international diploma and certificates will be issued.