Breaking news
*for national competitions (Romania) follow:

Terms and conditions

:: in order to participate to IKCC coding competitions you must create an account on From your account you will be able to register to all future IKCC competitions!
:: registration is accepted only if it has been done using the IKCC account from site!
:: at the time of creating an IKCC account, contestant must check and make sure all informations has been entered correctly. 
:: participating to IKCC competitions is completly free.  
:: creating and loging to an IKCC account must be done with your parents approval and supervising
:: it is mandatory to have an adult guiding you, like your coding teacher or your parents, and to mention his name in Guide field. 
:: you cannot participate and create an ikcc account without an adult approval (teacher or parents). If it will be proven that you had no adult/guide approval to participate to our competitions, all your prizes and results will be canceled and you will be banned from our competitions in the future
:: creating an account on reprezent your guide adult (parents and teacher) approval and unlimited consent to use your name, age, city/country name, pictures , results and testimonials regarding our competitions/registration and results history.